very important 'exam oriented' q&a’s for nism series viii - equity derivatives certification exam guaranteeing 100% success
Number of Questions : Get 600 + questions as per current NISM exam. Study them and clear the exam
Format : Practice exams with Q&As and easy explanations / math solutions
Delivery : Immediate - Online - Login to see the Q&As
Price and Validity : Rs. 299 (7 days), Rs. 399 (30 days), Rs. 699 (60 days) - Q & A's are same in all the plans
Guarantee / Refund : Yes - with the Rs. 699 plan
Exam and Question Bank details
NISM Equity Derivatives Mock Test / NISM Series 8 Question Bank
The NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Certification Exam is one of the very important exams conducted by the National Institute of Securities Market. Its a prerequisite for getting jobs in Stock Broking companies or for starting your own Stock Broking business. It's also adds value to your resume when applying for jobs in Financial Sector/ IT /BPO etc. companies. Apart from these it is also useful to get a fairly good knowledge of the working of Indian Stock Markets.
The NISM Equity Derivatives exams are conducted online at various NISM centers and all question asked are of 'multiple choice' Q&A. The time duration is 120 minutes and a candidate has to answer 100 questions totaling to 100 marks. 60% marks are passing marks.
We at NISMTOP500 have designed our Question Bank for NISM Series VIII module by having various practice questions sets and timed exam Practise Tests (a total of more than 600+ VERY IMPORTANT Q&As).
NISMTOP500 has provided explainations for almost every answer so that you understand them and remember the answers easily. The NISMTOP500 question bank has been designed by professionals and has 600+ most important Q&As with explanations.
Once you go through the NISMTOP500 NISM equity derivatives mock test you will find it easy to clear this NISM 8 module and get the NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Certification. If you study these, we guarantee that you will clear the exam or we refund* the amount.
Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank.