very important 'exam oriented' q&a’s for nism series ii a - registrars to an issue & share tr agents exam guaranteeing 100% success
  • Number of Questions : Get 400 questions as per 2023 NISM exam. Study them and clear the exam
  • Format :  Practice exams with Q&As and easy explanations / math solutions
  • Delivery : Immediate - Online - Login to see the Q&As
  • Price and Validity : Rs. 299 (7 days), Rs. 399 (30 days), Rs. 699 (60 days) - Q & A's are same in all the plans
  • Guarantee / Refund : Yes - with the Rs. 699 plan


Exam and Question Bank details


Q1) What is the assessment structure of NISM II A Series?

The examination will be of 100 marks, will have 100 questions, and should be completed in 2 hours. There will be negative marking of 25% of the marks assigned to a question. The passing score for the examination is 50%.


Q2) What is the validity period of the certificate of Nism II A?

The certificate will be valid for 3 years from the date of the examination.


Q3) Who should take this exam?

-Persons working in Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents (R & T agent) organizations involves in the mutual fund R & T function like CAMS, KARVY etc.

-Students and Professionals


Q4) Is there a study material available for preparing for this examination?

There are many websites which offer question banks (some offer even for free) , but what is important is the regular updating of the Q&As as per current exam pattern. NISMTOP500 offers mock tests for NISM II A exams which contain the latest 2023 questions. Once you use our online NISM question bank for NISM II A exam, you will realize that just by reading our Q&As, you can pass the exam easily. No wonder we can give you a 100% guarantee of passing the exam or refund.


Q5) Where do I get sample questions for NISM RTA – Mutual Funds Certification Examination?

You can click below on the Free Demo icon to get sample questions for this exam.

We have updated mock tests / question banks which will help you clear your exam easily.