very important 'exam oriented' q&a’s for nism-series-xv - research analyst certification exam guaranteeing 100% success
  • Number of Questions : Get 550 questions as per 2023 NISM exam. Study them and clear the exam
  • Format :  Practice exams with Q&As and easy explanations / math solutions
  • Delivery : Immediate - Online - Login to see the Q&As
  • Price and Validity : Rs. 299 (7 days), Rs. 399 (30 days), Rs. 699 (60 days) - Q & A's are same in all the plans
  • Guarantee / Refund : Yes - with the Rs. 699 plan


Exam and Question Bank details


Q1) What is this exam about?

This exam tests the candidates knowledge on Equity, Debt, Mutual fund, Currency, Economics, Fundamental & Technical Analysis, Legal framework etc.

This exam tests the candidates if they have sufficient knowledge to become a Research Analyst.


Q2) Is there a study material available for preparing for this examination?

There are many websites which offer question banks (some offer even for free) , but what is important is the regular updating of the Q&As as per current exam pattern. NISMTOP500 offers mock tests for NISM XV exams which contain the latest 2023 questions. Once you use our online NISM question bank for NISM XV exam, you will realize that just by reading our Q&As, you can pass the exam easily. No wonder we can give you a 100% guarantee of passing the exam or refund.


Chapter wise Weight age for NISM Series XV– Research Analyst Certification Exam

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Research Analyst Profession - 3%

Chapter 2 - Introduction to Securities Market - 6%

Chapter 3 - Terminology in Equity and Debt Markets - 6%

Chapter 4 - Fundamentals of Research - 5%

Chapter 5 - Economic Analysis - 7%

Chapter 6 - Industry Analysis -10%

Chapter 7 - Company Analysis – Qualitative Dimensions - 7%

Chapter 8 - Company Analysis – Quantitative Dimensions - 15%

Chapter 9 - Corporate Actions - 6%

Chapter 10 - Valuation Principles - 15%

Chapter 11 - Fundamentals of Risk and Return - 5%

Chapter 12 - Qualities of a good Research Report - 5%

Chapter 13 - Legal and Regulatory Environment - 10%


On successful completion of the examination, the candidate should:

- Know the basics of Indian Securities Markets and different terminologies used in equity and debt markets

- Know about the top down and bottom up approach to fundamental research

- Know the basic principles for micro and macro-economic analysis, the sources of different information for analysis, and     the various macroeconomic variables affecting the analysis.

- Know the key industry drivers and sources of information for industry analysis.

- Understand about the Qualitative and Quantitative dimensions with regards to Company Analysis.

- Know about the Fundamentals of Risk and Return, Valuation Principles, and the philosophy of various Corporate Actions.

- Understand the qualities of a good research report.