very important 'exam oriented' q&a’s for nism series xii - securities market foundation exam guaranteeing 100% success
  • Number of Questions : Get 450 questions as per 2023 NISM exam. Study them and clear the exam
  • Format :  Practice exams with Q&As and easy explanations / math solutions
  • Delivery : Immediate - Online - Login to see the Q&As
  • Price and Validity : Rs. 299 (7 days), Rs. 399 (30 days), Rs. 699 (60 days) - Q&As are same in all the plans
  • Guarantee / Refund : Yes - with the Rs. 699 plan



Exam and Question Bank details


Q1. How can I register for NISM-Series-XII: Securities Markets Foundation Certification Examination?

Candidates can register at National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM)

After successful registration, candidates may select a test centre, date and time slot of their choice on the Test Administrator website. 

Q2. Who can take NISM-Series-XII: Securities Markets Foundation Exam?

NISM-Series-XII: Securities Markets Foundation Certification Examination is for entry level professionals, who wish to make a career in the securities markets. This certification examination will also be useful to all those individuals who are interested in acquiring a basic knowledge of the Indian Securities markets

Q3. Is there a study material available for preparing for this examination?

There are many websites which offer question banks (some offer even for free) , but what is important is the regular updation of the Q&As as per current exam pattern. NISMTOP500 offers mock tests for NISM XII exams which contain the latest 2023 questions. Once you use our online NISM question bank for NISM XII exam, you will realise that just by reading our Q&As, you can pass the exam easily. No wonder we can give you a 100% guarantee of passing the exam or refund.

Q4. What is the assessment structure?

The examination will be of 100 marks, will have 100 questions of 1 mark each and should be completed in 2 hours. There shall be no negative marking. The passing score for the examination is 60%.

Q5. What is the validity period of the certificate?

The certificate will be valid for 3 years from the date of the examination.


Chapterwise weightage for NISM XII - Securities Markets Foundation Exam

Unit 1  :  Understanding Securities Markets and Performance   10%

Unit 2 : Securities: Types, Features and Concepts of Asset Allocation and Investing  20%

Unit 3 : Primary Markets   20%

Unit 4 : Secondary Markets  20%

Unit 5 : Mutual Funds   20%

Unit 6 :  Derivative Market   10%